Thursday 15 September 2011

Back from Paris

Well I am back from Paris. It was a great experience but man those hills we had to ride up near Dover were just insane.... Another thing that was pretty apparent... the Effiel Tower is HUGE!!! I knew it was big but heck its just one of things that you just have to go really experience the size of it. And it was only meant to be a temporary exhibition when it was built? nothing about it really screams temporary structure..

Well hopefully I'll have photos to show you soon. Unfortunately my phone decided to die during the trip and any photos I took with it probably will disappear so i'm kinda relying on other people for the pics. Just be patient.

Thursday 8 September 2011

London to Paris

Hey all!
First I would like to say sorry for the inactivity for the past year. Me having to work full-time as well as studying just doesn't allow the spare time to do all that I want.
To sum up all I have done though is pretty much pub work and Train2Game assignments. Unfortunatley I haven't drawn much as I wanted, I kinda found out during all this that I can't balance my time well still recently I've made some progress. Still need to get some proper finished pics done though instead of just sketches.  I really want to show people that I can do a decent piece of art.

Any way the real reason for the new update is to show my progress with a charity event me and my brother decided to enter. The organisation is called "Classic Tours"  and we decided to cycle from London to Paris, with 50 other people, for our chosen charity "Save the Children". 

All packed and ready to go, just need to get our start point and head out in about 13 hours.
Wish us luck!

p.s if you would to support us on this event there is a app on the side you can use.