One of the greatest computer games and animation event is happening this week in Middlesbrough, Animex 2010. Shame I couldn't get my ticket to see the talks, since like every year there were some awesome people attending doing talks.
In my opinon this event is a very important one for anyone interested in the games and animation industry since you actually get to meet the guys and gals responsible in developing them. Discussing the process and planning, or give you advice on how to get in to the industry. Pretty much networking is the key in this event and its awesome that people are given this chance.
Although i didn't manage to attend the talks =[.... i did however get into a workshop which takes place usually on Wednesday. Last year I done a workshop in Creative Vistualisation, with
Ken Wong from Spicy Horse, which was pretty cool. Even though these workshop are only a day long, it really does help you grasp a good idea in the workflow and thought process you need to develop yourself as a artist.
And well this year I did a much needed Crash Course in Digital Art with Udon's
Jim Zubkavich, a very awesome guy. Really helped me build a much need self-confidence with the software and just showed me a very effective workflow that can be efficent when used as a commercial artist.
It involved blobs... lots of blobs... =P nah thats a joke. He also helped people with their portfollio, since mine is pretty much non-exsistent I felt really have more confidence in the art i do and show them not hide them in my head...
All in all it was a very awesome day and had a great time.
Heres the Link for more info on Animex. here some pics by first Ken Wong and then Jim Zubkavich, if ya too bone idle lazy to click on the links above =P