Monday, 1 February 2010

Mass Effect 2

Spent the entire weekend playing Mass Effect 2 and completed it.... not the most productive thing I've done but wow the game was awesome.
Bioware has pretty much delt with many of the problems that was present in its prequeal, its more shooter than rpg but really does improve the game, making it far more tatical than it was before.
Movie interuption sequences is a really good addition, making you feel that the choices you make really do matter.
And gone with the generic planet areas and replaced with much smaller but unique ones which you can land in and perform you missions.
Apart from the issues with the bugs its definately a huge improvement and a great success to Bioware, can't wait for the DLCs. =]

Though I spent most of my time playing this I did manage do some sketching during the loading times. Funnily enough the game really inspired me in designing my own ships it proberly has something to do with the Star Trek film I watched too. Sooo haven't been too lacking in creating works.

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